Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Weekend in the Mountains

This is so cool -- this past weekend, a student that Bethanie and I both teach, invited us to his cabin in the mountains. So we headed up there with his whole family. It's funny cause we teach English to four out of six people in the family. Anyways, we went on a leg crushing hike on Saturday for like 6 hours. We walked through the woods along a long ridge in the shape of a horseshoe. The views were great. In the distance we could see the Czech Republic. That night we ate Polish sausage (even Bethanie had some--she couldn't resist) from the grill and sat around the camp fire. Sunday we slept in. Enjoyed coffee in the fresh mountain air, something we're not used to living in Katowice, and then went for another 2 hour hike in a setting that looked amazingly like Switzerland before catching the train home. Pretty good.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Nice blog! I spent six (or was it seven?) years working in IH Katowice, though everyone bar Bronwen that I knew has now moved on.

Have you checked out the Jewish cemetary in Katowice? I also recommend exploring the GOP, industrial as it is: Piotrowice, Bytom, Zabrze, Chorzow, Siemianowice all have their charms and hidden gems.

I really enjoyed the nostalgia of reading through the entries. Hope you continue to enjoy your time there.