Sunday, September 02, 2007

27 Years Old

Sept 1 I turned 27. It's been a great year: Got married to a wonderful wife (planning our honeymoon in Hungary in a few weeks), living and teaching in Poland, picked up the harmonica, plenty of travel (even made it to the Ukraine) and topped it off with a fun summer bumming it around Poland with our friend Kara from Texas.

Last night the three of us hit the streets of Warsaw to celebrate. Kara treated to an awesome sushi dinner complete with red wine (sold illegally according to the waitress. I asked for a wine list and the waitress said we don't have one because we don't sell alcohol with a grin. Then, she asked if we would like red or white. Too wierd.) The dinner was topped off with a surprise cheesecake that Beth picked up for me complete with big 2 & 7 candles. Kara smuggled it in (a Verduzco tradition) and the waitress brought it out along with coffee. Beth and Kara sang and the party was complete...

Well almost complete -- then of course we headed to the Irish pub for a pint of guinness topped off by a liter (and that's a lot of beer) of Belfast. Made it home before 1 am to see kara off today. It was a night to remember.

Kara gave me an awesome book -- a little early actually -- and I've already finished it. If you haven't read it, check out "The Life of Pi". Beth gave me a guidebook to Amsterdam and an open invitation to enjoy the city with her, so plans are under way.

Well, got to run. I just had breakfast and we're seing Kara off in a few minutes. Will post soon.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I didn t know you were married, been a while since I checked out your blog.
I just came back from a mediterrannéan summer working on a 77feet sailing boat between Turkey and Malta, as good as you can guess especially after a year in freezing Canada, and now wondering where to go next, happy days! Take care and have fun.
Fabian (from Jhon Benny's time!)

Anonymous said...


I was going through some stuff and found an old Tulsa County News" from July 25, 1991 about your great grandmother nita. I thought you might want to read it. Also I didn't know any one in your families email address so would you spread the word.

Thanks for kwwping us up to date and congradulations on your marriage.

Anonymous said...

To the fabulous travelling Bs:

Great wedding pics and laugh-out-loud stories of pre-wedding day hikinks. (Ask me someday about the 400 pieces of chicken we breaded for ours. Yup, that's a nana story.) Congrats on getting hitched. Love the photos of the hike and countryside. Keep 'em coming. You know, I just realized that Rich and I haven't been to Opal Divines since the last time we saw you. Must be some sort of spiritual/subliminal/unintentional boycott. Not the same without you!
Oh, if you want a really cool perspective on Poland, you gotta read Madeleine Albright's bio, "madam secretary: a memoir." It's a wonderful insider's look at central europe, starting with her family's escape from the holocaust. If you want me to send you a copy, let me know. Anyway, Rich just made us some coffee and we're off to park ourselves in front of the TV. Might be a breakfast taco in our future! We're actually going to get rain today! Be well and hugs all around.